Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Airplane of Lust pt1

STRIKE WITCHES-fanfic. Minna finds herself suddenly wrestling an uncharacteristic bout of intense lusting, and it is not towards the person she would have thought.
Continues in part 2.
(Minna/Gertrude, one-sided Minna/Mio, Mio/Yoshika)


Disclaimer: I’m no longer sure who owns the rights to Strike Witches, either way I’m just borrowing the girls for a little bit. Also, this is written before I’ve seen anything from season 2.

Written because my beloved came up with a bunch of funny expressions on the theme of ”train of thought”, ”airplane of lust” being one of them.

by Carola “Ryûchan” Eriksson

It was not as if she had never been in love before, or never felt desire for anyone. On the contrary, despite her youth Minna Dietlinde Wilcke had once been planning her wedding and her future together with the only man she had ever loved.

War got in the way, of course, or destiny, or death. Either way she was made a widow long before she ever had the chance to become a bride, and although that grief had been crippling for so long, the fact remained that she had once loved and been loved in return.

Then of course there was Mio, stoic, beautiful and utterly clueless Sakamoto Mio. A friend that became so much more while Minna was not looking, her partner, her confidante, her most trusted support. The solid and staid, if sometimes strict, father-figure despite her gender to go along with Minna’s benevolent maternal figure for the younger girls in their care.

It had hit her hard once, the realization that she felt far more than simply friendship towards the Fuso beauty, and it had taken a long time to come to terms with her emotions. In the end though Minna was comfortable with mooning over Mio, despite that it was occasionally disheartening how clueless the older woman was, there was something comforting and safe about it too. Considering she was far from the only woman around to have fallen for the noble and dedicated warrior, Minna chalked it up to one of those unavoidable things in life, and tried to find some amusement in her situation.

And amusement there was to be had, often when she least expected it. Just watching Perrine run herself ragged chasing Mio’s tail while the older was completely oblivious was often quite amusing, not to mention the more perverse side of herself that had enjoyed putting the sharp-tongued and foul-tempered blonde in her place early on. While Perrine might bristle and snarl at anyone that came near Mio, the younger girl would not dare to breathe a contrary word to Minna.

Conversely Minna felt the occasional pang of sympathy for young Miyafuji who received the brunt of Perrine’s nastiness ever since her arrival in the squadron, but as long as it did not interfere with their performance Minna would not get involved. Mio’s young protégé seemed strong enough to stand up for herself against Perrine’s abuse, and to be honest... Mio’s attention to the girl occasionally smarted even for Minna herself, even if it was a dull and distant thing.

Unlike Perrine Minna knew well and without a doubt that Mio loved her dearly. This was not in question, and Minna was often the recipient of surprising moments of tender care from her friend, something she strived to give back in kind as often as she dared.

But it was the love of a best friend, a family member, or even – it rankled Minna to admit it, but she would not lie to herself – the love of a sister. Mio remained as ever ignorant to how she affected the women around her, and humbled by the other girl’s devotion Minna was grateful for this. As long as Mio looked upon her with the eyes of a friend or family member, Minna would rather she not find out that Minna herself would do otherwise.

This was the situation, and so Minna was no stranger to love. Her situation might have been a mess, but it was her mess and it was comfortable this way, safe this way. True, it did not keep her warm at night, and alone in the darkness she certainly yearned for something or someone. For a pair of arms to hold her safe, or just for a warm place to rest her head after long days of combat and struggle.

But you could not lose what you did not have, and that was a good thing. Minna had already lived through a loss so devastating she still felt herself bleed a little inside remembering, and swore she would never go through that again.

So how in light of all this could she have been caught so unawares?

It had started with something small and commonplace. She had simply walked into Gertrude’s room one early morning, as the door had been open and she had done the same many times before. In fact she had visited both of her younger countrymen in their rooms at all kinds of hours, door open or not, in the past, they were all close enough that it was no problem.

She had certainly seen Gertrude go through her morning workout routine before on many occasions, it was hardly the first time she just leaned against the wall and waited for her friend to finish up.

So why this time was it so different? Why did she suddenly notice the strong and rippling musculature of her friend’s arms and back, and why did she find herself admiring how the relief of well-developed muscles in motion created interesting dips and curves on smooth skin. Suddenly fascinated by the slight sheen of sweat clinging to that skin, Minna was only dimly aware that her mouth had gone completely dry and her breathing changed.

Gertrude continued her routine, either unaware of her rapt audience or simply not bothered by it. Minna never had any qualms about interrupting if there was anything of urgency to say or do, so Gertrude and Erica had long ago learned that a quietly waiting Minna meant that they could finish up whatever they were doing.

Lost in the haze of her sudden fascination Minna imagined in vivid, longing detail such things as running her hands over the straining muscles of Trude’s back, or letting her fingers trail over every sculpted detail of that firm abdomen. It wasn’t until she saw one of her own hands reach out for the younger woman that Minna came back to her senses.

With a start Minna realized what she was doing, and towards whom. Blushing furiously she turned and fled the room, never noticing how the startled Gertrude fell flat on her face in surprise behind her.

Shocked and ashamed Minna ran to her room and locked the door. What was wrong with her? Was she so desperate these days that she would ogle anyone? Deeply rattled Minna tried to understand what was going on with herself, and to find a rational explanation. To begin with nothing she could come up with rang true at all, and she was only succeeding in getting more agitated.

Taking a few calming breaths she sat down next to her window and tried to centre herself. Objectively speaking Gertrude certainly was a very attractive young woman, this in itself was hardly news to Minna. All true and quite rational.

It had been a very long time for Minna, a very long time since she had... closeness with someone, perhaps she was more physically and emotionally starved for such things than she had realized? Perhaps what had just happened was merely a result of mounting frustrations from her non-situation with Mio coupled with neglect for the... baser needs of her body? That seemed reasonable too, albeit a bit embarrassing.

Was it time to push things to a definite conclusion with Mio, then?

To be honest Minna knew perfectly well what the outcome of that would be, she knew with absolute clarity that Mio did not have romantic feelings towards her, and that any confession on her part would be met with an initial dumbfounded shock, followed by awkward and careful consideration that would put a distance between them even if Mio wouldn’t mean it to. She wouldn’t gain a lover and she would lose a precious friendship. It wasn’t worth it.

Also, in truth Minna felt no compulsion to attempt a confession or even try to push for something with Mio through other means. She hadn’t felt anything of the sort for a long time, if ever, and wasn’t sure why it would now make her act weirdly towards her friends. The agitation faded, leaving in its place a tired sense of melancholy that was an old and familiar visitor.

She wasn’t the kind to make rash or impulsive decisions anyway, so she would think about this later, go over everything again and again until the answers satisfied her and reason ruled. It was just who she was. She leaned her head against the windowpane and sighed.

To her surprise she had a clear view of Mio training young Miyafuji not far away, how strange that she hadn’t noticed that before. Abandoning previous thoughts she leaned in more comfortably to watch, idly wondering if Perrine was doing the same from some bush somewhere nearby.

It made her smile, watching Mio sternly swing her practice sword while yelling orders to a Miyafuji that looked cutely ridiculous instead of the concentrated and serious air she no doubt was trying to project. Not that Mio took her anything but seriously, of course, which was one of those little kindnesses that tended to draw women towards her. Obliviousness was its own charm, Minna supposed with a wry smile. And as for herself, she would find a way to settle whatever was going on with her, preferably before she opted for Miyafuji’s method of running through life with eyes closed and hands outstretched, hoping for something to grope to fall into them.

Distractedly she noted that Mio had taken off her uniform jacket, baring arms that while not so impressively chiselled as Gertrude’s still had an inspiring muscle tone. Mio tended towards the lean build and partially hidden strength, despite a lifetime of intense training and a combat capability that was awe-inspiring. Trude on the other hand, while still slim in appearance, once her jacket came off there was no denying that this was a woman of strength. While still clothed, Gertrude gave off a lean impression similar to Mio’s, with narrow hips and shoulders that tended somewhat towards the broad, but if one looked closer... the odd thought came to Minna that one could probably bounce coins off the insides of Trude’s thighs.

Noticing that she could no longer see Mio because her breath had fogged up the glass, Minna blushed and shook herself briskly before wiping at it. Honestly, such strange thoughts to have. What was next, would she become like those rude men in maintenance, those that did not think she heard them when they made jokes about her being able to break bricks with her rear end? She needed to get a grip on this nonsense before she embarrassed herself further.

The klaxon warning for impending Neuroi attack went off then, cutting into Minna’s self-chastising. The woman and her worries was once more put aside for the soldier, the leader of others, to step up and take charge of the day. Minna ran for her command post, knowing and trusting that every single person under her command was heading for theirs, ready and waiting to follow her orders.

When she stumbled back into her room it was late at night and everyone else, even Mio and Sanya, had already gone to bed. Minna’s work was finally done for the day, and the good people of Britannia could sleep safely, saved once again by the diligent efforts of her girls.

She’d had reports to fill in, strategies and calculations to go over with Mio, and some unpleasantness to endure with men who thought they could scold, punish and impose their will and their politics on those under her command while they themselves were far away from any actual battle. It had been a full day, but what lingered in her mind as she readied herself for sleep was her encounter with Trude during their late dinner, in which Minna had spouted some awkward excuse for her swift escape that morning.

Large brown and trusting eyes had looked into hers with concern, making Minna feel like an absolute heel. Trude did not push, simply accepted the weak excuse, but clearly worried instead that something was troubling her. Dinner had let Minna dodge the question then and a busy schedule for the rest of the day had kept them apart since, but she just knew that Trude would not forget and find a moment to ask again come morning.

Trude didn’t have an easy time of showing her deeper or gentler emotions, indeed she rarely did to anyone but those closest to her, so Minna felt all the more horrible for shrugging off the other girl’s concern. Although fiercely protective of all her loved ones, if Minna was completely honest with herself Gertrude was the one in their little family she most wanted to protect. There was something so vulnerable underneath that strong surface, something that had suffered and felt loss so deeply that it made Minna wince in sympathetic understanding.

Minna might not have been able to protect Trude against the harsh realities of war, but she would have protected the girl’s gentle heart if she could have.

To instead be the person carelessly ogling her and thinking improper things about her was disconcerting to say the least, but then again... perhaps Minna was just overreacting. It wasn’t as if she had assaulted the girl. Besides, it was probably just... transference from her feelings for Mio, yes, surely that. Never mind that her thoughts from earlier that day had rather denied that supposition, a mistake was simple enough to make.

Dressed in her comfortable sleeping shirt and little else, Minna was finally ready for bed. Her thoughts would not leave her to simply fall asleep though, instead they kept circling the same dilemma. A bit exasperated with herself and finally too tired to care, Minna gave in to a little exercise of thought.

She pictured herself, dressed as she was for sleep, standing somewhere by the windows at night. It would be cold, and quiet, and she would be just a little bit tired. She focused on the details until they were sharp in her mind. Then she pictured herself leaning back slightly, into the arms of someone standing behind her.

Briefly her thoughts turned to him, even though she knew well what results that would have. The pain had dulled with time’s passing, now instead what she felt most of all was sadness, sadness that time had also stolen clarity from her memories, until she could not remember what his arms had felt like. Already her memories of him were like photographs left in the sunlight, fading gradually until little remained but the barest marker. She almost couldn’t remember his voice anymore, how long would it be until she could no longer recall his face?

Like a wisp of smoke the image left her, and she let it. She hadn’t expected much more from it anyway.

The image that she replaced him with was a familiar one, and one no longer tinged with guilt. The warmth was familiar, as was the scent and feel of the arms that embraced her... pale hands reached around to envelop her in a loving, comforting hug.

Comfort was exactly what she felt when thinking of standing in Mio’s embrace, comfort and safety. It was oh so easy to imagine Mio offering a wordless hug of support, their heads lightly touching in the easy intimacy of two people who were, when all was said and done, very close friends.

Because that was what it was, Minna realized, the comfort of a good and trusted friend. There was that small part of her that could not imagine relaxing fully, opening up completely to Mio, likely because she had been long aware of the one-sidedness of her feelings. It was an ironic thing to discover at this point in time, that not even in her imagination could Minna create a Mio that would hold her like a lover.

Perhaps that was for the best as well. The solid comfort of a very close friend was not to be underestimated. It certainly felt like a luxury.

Feeling drowsier as a result of imagining Mio, Minna was perhaps a little more careless in picturing Gertrude in her mind than she otherwise would have. Warm, strong arms wrapping around her from a body that was just that much taller than herself, brown hair that tickled across her shoulder, and a face that nuzzled sensuously into Minna’s neck just below her ear.

Gasping, Minna’s eyes snapped open, all traces of drowsiness instantly gone.

The image of herself in Minna’s mind leaned back into her lover rather wantonly, exposing more of her neck to Gertrude’s lips while strong hands found their way to naked skin...

Minna wanted to scream at herself. She couldn’t remember when she had been this aroused this quickly before, and it was from imagining a young girl – no, a woman, she couldn’t consider her a little girl anymore – a young woman placed in her care. And she wasn’t even trying to think of erotic things, her brain had apparently decided to work independently from now on.

It must all be some cruel joke by destiny.

She tried to place Mio back into the picture, replacing Trude yet repeating the actions her mind had conjured up for the brown-haired ace, but the image of Mio, stubbornly fused into her uniform jacket, laughed heartily at her and flickered away. Big, soulful brown eyes looked at her with concern and vulnerability instead, from a body scantily covered in a plain grey sports top and strategically placed darkness.

So it was true, then. She was physically attracted to Trude – and to no small amount at that. Minna sighed in defeat and squirmed, trying to calm her pounding heart while doing her best to ignore the other areas that were calling for attention. Turning on her side Minna pulled the sheets up and tried to think of other things, calming and boring things that would make her fall asleep, while she was also actively trying to ignore the sultry images of nearly naked Gertrude dancing through her mind.

She woke up calling the other woman’s name in the early light of dawn, hours before she was meant to get up. Vestiges of heated dreams featuring Gertrude clung to her sleep-fogged mind, while her body begged for attention. Vague images of the brown-haired girl’s hands and lips burned behind her eyelids, while she imagined she could almost hear her own voice echo in the early morning.

Embarrassed and at something of a loss for what to do Minna decided to just start her day early. Never had she ever had a dream like that about Mio, although the other woman featured in her dreams quite often. The most those dreams had amounted to was moonlit dancing or a romantic dinner for two, rarely even in her deepest dreams had they even kissed innocently, and that was the extent of it. Nothing at all like this.

What should she do? Minna did not know, and although she got an early start on the day she constantly found herself distracted by her thoughts, sometimes so badly that Mio seamlessly stepped in to prevent anyone from noticing.

It was an awkward thought at best, although given everything she had come to realize over the past day less so than she would have expected, but Minna needed to talk to her best friend. Whatever good it would do to speak to Mio about matters of the heart... or the libido, whichever it was... she could not say, but she surely needed to speak to someone. And in her case, ‘someone’ always amounted to Mio.

Minna had managed to dodge Gertrude several times during the morning, but as she went to tell Mio that she needed to talk to her privately, Trude caught sight of her in the hallway. Seeing the tall girl hurry towards her made Minna remember the fragments of her heated dream from that morning, and she blushed a painful red that she just knew would clash horribly with her hair. She froze and could not make herself meet Gertrude’s eyes.

Trude also froze, mid-movement with one hand halfway outstretched towards Minna, looking torn between shock and concern. Minna’s eyes snapped to that hand. Trude really had lovely hands, strong and solid-looking yet with long, graceful fingers. They were wider than her own yet still appeared slender, the nails blunt and impeccably kept, just like everything else in Gertrude’s possession. Unfortunately for Minna, while she focused on Trude’s hands in all innocence, her mind decided to focus on the kind of things those hands could do, the kind of things Minna would very much like for them to do.

The slap was ringing, and was followed very quickly by Minna holding one hand over her eyes while grabbing onto Mio with the other. Then she simply yanked her away down the hall at such speed that the stunned Gertrude would have had to run to catch up to them.

Mio was not released until the two of them had reached Minna’s office, at which point Minna simply closed the door, sank down into her desk chair, and groaned as she leaned her forehead against the surface of her desk.

A few minutes ticked by and the desk was quite cool against her burning skin while the room was comfortably cast into shadow. Minna wanted to close her eyes against the world and say no, I’m doing this day over, so anything up until this point does not count and never happened. Then Mio cleared her throat.

“You wanted to talk to me?”


Bartillet! said...

First comment!! Hahaha!! YES YES YES!! You wrote a new story!! I'm so gladd, and I wanted to read a new story so badly! You're amazing, and the story, is amazing, as always. Please do write part 2 soon!! =D

yuiyagami said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, look at what I found, a new Ryuchan's fic featuring my second favorite SW pairing. 'Tis a good day (night actually) indeed.

Loving it. Nicely written, sexy and satisfyingly long. Simply awesome.

I have always loved the idea of Gertrud and Minna as a pairing. While Major Sakamoto is an exceptionally charming individual, she's too clueless. And I personally think Minna could really use someone who is strong yet warm, headstrong but still listening to her, and a doting lover that I somehow pictured Trude to be.
(Maybe I'm crazy, but who cares)

Looking forward to part 2. :3

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Trude's actually shorter than Minna? I'm pretty sure the height difference can be seen in the anime. Also, according to the official material, Minna's 165cm tall and Trude's 162cm tall.

...Anyway. I just had to say it. But I enjoyed the story. I quite like the pairing - I think it's cute.

Ryûchan said...

Hi! *big smile* Yeah, I finally managed to write some more. Thanks for being so enthusiastic about it, that certainly makes waiting to watch S2 worth while. ^_^
Part two will probably be posted tomorrow, I think. Would that be fast enough? XD

Ryûchan said...

Trude/Minna are your second favourite SW pairing? Heh, you know, I think they just might be mine as well. Eila/Sanya are the best of course, but there is just something so cute about Trude/Minna. Oh and by the way, am I the only one that gets the impression from S1 that privately Minna is quite the little drama queen? Not in a bad way, really, just... very dramatic. XD
Aww, such praise! Thank you very much. ^_^
Part two will be up sometime tomorrow, probably.

Ryûchan said...

Ah yes, it is embarrassing, but I actually thought Trude were taller. (In fact I thought she was the tallest, or at least second only to Shirley) I did try to find some kind of height chart, but didn’t have any success, so I just went by what I thought I saw in the anime.
Which of course I discovered last night, while watching Minna and Trude’s cute “I want to kiss you but you’re ranting about another woman, so I’ll just flirt terribly and do my little finger-dance/indirect kiss thing”-scene, was the other way around. So yes, now I know. It is a little too late to change though, so, um, I hope everyone can just chalk it up to creative license or something.

I tried to find out about their heights, I really did. Honest. Unfortunately I just suck at googling, which my beloved would probably attest to. ^^;

yuiyagami said...



The characters section are safe. You already watched season 1, season 2 episodes are easily avoided.

Ryûchan said...

Wow, thanks! I'm sure that site will come in handy.
A question though, as I've had a brief peek at some character pages (I'll avoid the rest for now), those "character comments" things at the bottom of the pages... those aren't taken from anything official, are they?


yui said...

Those comments are official. Those are (a part of) translation from Himegoe CDs.

I'll just take the description from wiki:

"These six character voice CDs came bundled with the limited edition DVDs of the 2008 TV anime as bonus discs. They contain little interviews with the characters as well as stock phrases that can be used as computer sounds."

The translation on character pages are only a part where they talk about other 501st witches.

See below for the full translations of the Himegoe CDs:


I recommend listening to the CDs for authentic effects; reading alone just not enough. :) You gotta hear how the lines are delivered. (for example, Eila's track 46, which is on CD5)

I'll just use yui from now on... I only used the name here because I used it on the board.

Ryûchan said...

It is official? I sort of suspected that even though the few snippets I read, well, Eila rather came across as a little bit psychotic to me, while it seemed that someone was trying way too hard to redeem Perrine from the unpleasant bitch she spends most of season 1 as. (I rather think she, like Erica, gets a bit better towards the end, and figured that any redemption would be better placed in making her character nicer in season 2, but that’s just me XP)

Stock phrases that could be used as computer sounds? Heh, having Eila’s voice for computer sounds would kind of be cute... but then I’d have to rename my computer Sanya. ;P

Thanks for the link, I’ll have to check it out a bit later, because I am ever so curious about Eila and Sanya’s parts. *smiles* I haven’t really bothered with things like this since back in the Sailor Moon days, when I loved Haruka and Michiru’s character poems and other snippets.

I haven’t really poked around on the site yet so I’m sorry if this is an obvious thing to ask, but do you know if there is any place I can find a list (or something like that) over how each character addresses the others?


yui said...

Oh and by the way, am I the only one that gets the impression from S1 that privately Minna is quite the little drama queen? Not in a bad way, really, just... very dramatic. XD
Indeed she is, that's part of her charm. ^^ I like Minna because she's very passionate and womanly.

yui said...

Psychotic Eila? You mean how she was talking about the girls' breasts? lol

Eila IS mischievous. She 'got' the Karlsland trio, that's quite impressive, really. But unlike Yoshika's raging hormones (in your term), Eila's totally doing it for the laugh.

As for Perrine, I think people were simply being understanding toward her. (Except Eila. lol)

Glad to hear you love to know more about Eila and Sanya's parts. I'm the same way. I love learning about the tidbits and stuffs involving these two. ^^

There's no such list as far as I know. In season1, a lot of characters never get to talk or interact with others outside their own circle. The best complimentary source is the Himegoe CD, where they make a comment on every other character.
I can try to compile you a list.

Ryûchan said...

*grins* I quite agree, I don’t think I would have liked Minna as much as I do if she hadn’t had those particular traits as well. And drama-Minna is too adorable. “Oh no, random-husband-material, I shall burn my pretty dress, for I am going to war and shall never wear anything but my striker pantsu again!” XD

Psychotic Eila, er, well, the comments that I read kind of overshot the funny boob-obsessed hormone bomb thing (Miyafuji-type) and threaded right into scary. Except the Sanya one, thankfully, otherwise I think I would have cried. Still haven’t read all of it though, so I might change my mind about it later on.

They were a bit _too_ understanding towards Perrine, that was precisely my problem I think. It ended up feeling like the author or authors were desperately trying to salvage the character instead of building on it, and really, they were doing a good job changing her image a bit by the end of season one as it was. It just feels like they could have gone with that instead.

> I can try to compile you a list.
Oh that would be so great, but it sounds like a lot of work for what is really just my hangup. When I write I find I want to refer to the various characters in the story as the main character of the story does (i.e. I write a story from Eila’s point of view and would like to use the names she does for the various characters), but as you say not all of them get to address each other in S1. I know what Miyafuji call most of them I think, but how would Eila address Minna or Lynette for instance? I’ve made it up as I write so far, but sometimes it just feels wrong.


yui said...

Oh, Eila's would be rather easy.

Here goes...

Eila doesn't use Japanese honorifics. She addresses people simply by the name, for higher ranked persons, she adds the rank to their name.

Sanya - Sanya
Minna - Minna-Chūsa
Trude - Barkhorn-Taii, Taii
Erica - Hartmann-Chūi
Mio - Sakamoto-Shōsa, Shōsa
Yoshika - Miyafuji
Lynne - Lynne
Perrine - tsun-tsun megane, Perrine
Shirley - (oh wow... I actually don't recall a single instance where Eila addressed Shirley by name/rank, but going by the pattern, and the fact that no one in the unit calls her 'Yeager', it should be "Shirley-Taii")
Lucchini - Lucchini

I only provide for a reference, so feel free to use it or not as you see fit.

Also, the ranks:

Chūsa - Lieutenant Colonel/Wing Commander
Shōsa - Major/Squadron Leader
Taii - Captain/Flight Lieutenant
Chūi - Lieutenant/Flying Officer

Ryûchan said...

Wow, thanks for the list. I was using Eila just as an example really, but who knows, this might come in handy in general later. I probably wouldn’t use the Japanese words for ranks as these days I generally try not to use more than the usual –san/-chan/-sama and similar things which has an importance (to me at least) but does not easily translate. So instead of, say, Shōsa I’d go with the perfectly usable Major. Nevertheless it is a perfect list of the various titles, so I’m definitely saving it. :D

Ahh, the tsun-tsun megane... that cracks me up every time I hear it. Perrine should learn to tread a bit more gently around Sanya, just to avoid the wrath of Eila. XP

Isn’t it funny though how some characters are known by their given names, even rank+given name, while others just their family name even if it is with a –chan and everything?
Like Minna-Chūsa (if they’re calling her Wing Commander you’d think they’d call her by her family name as well) and Lucchini-chan. Oh yeah, and Shirley for instance, that just goes by a nickname or nickname+title? ^~^;

yui said...

I think the name list might prove to be of some use for fanfic writers. (Maybe I should try to do one witch a day or something.) I'm a little particular about how a character addresses other charcters as well; that's probably due to the same also applies to me in real life. (I'm not a Japanese, but I'm from a place where honorifics and such are used in every day speech as well.)

With that said, I would never nag any writer on how they should write. ^^ If they think something is important, they would include it in their writings.

I agree with using the ranks in English. The thing is I have to recall the names from memory or other sources such as Drama CDs, and so they came out in Japanese ranks. lol. I ended up having to look up the equivalent ranks in English.

Yeah, it's funny and totally random. Lucchini is the most outstanding case, as no one calls her "Francesca". lol.

Ryûchan said...

Perhaps you could offer your list (lists if you end up doing them for other characters as well) to the Strike Witches wiki? I’m sure I’m not the only one that finds myself needing things like these from time to time.
Oh and I don’t live in a country where honorifics are used either, but still, depending on the anime it can feel important when I write.
*grins* And I thank you for that extra effort, looking up the ranks in English.
Poor little Lucchini really... doesn’t anyone like her name? XP