Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Know

Original. More like a snippet than anything else, written as a small writer's exercise to hopefully get my writing going again.

A small... conversation between two women.
Who? Or why? That's up to you.

(Feel free to share your thoughts on that, I'd find it interesting to hear. ;)


Disclaimer: Original snippet, made as a small writing exercise.

I Know

by Carola “Ryûchan” Eriksson

”You are crazy.”

I know.

”It is insane.”

I know.

”And I hurt you so much.”

Yeah. Yeah, you did.

“You will get hurt – no, more than that, you will get killed!”

Know that one too.

“You don’t even have a good reason why, do you?”

That depends.

“Have you gone suicidal, is that it?”

Not sure, though I’ve asked myself that too.

“You know this can only head towards complete disaster.”


“It is utter lunacy.”

I know.

I know all that.

I love you anyway.


Olusen said...

For some unknown reason I see Kahlan and Cara here. Although at times I get Dollhouse references. Weird since I read neither of these fandoms.
Go write more and post! We want more!

Ryûchan said...

*grins* Really? This one too?
Awesome... and Dollhouse as well, that's neat. I didn't see that at all, I thought perhaps Noir, a vampire story, or maybe an uber-ish XWP or BtVS would fit. Not that I wrote it as any of that, just thought it might have worked. ;P