Saturday, July 28, 2007


Star Trek Voyager fanfic. A remake of the episode "Drone", on the premises that B'Elanna was the first person to enter the science lab instead of Mulchaey and thus becoming the other parent of One.
(Seven/B'Elanna) Divided into four parts due to size.

Read DRONE pt 4

Disclaimer: See part one.

DRONE pt 4 of 4
by Carola “Ryûchan” Eriksson

The space-port was teeming with all sorts of life and activity and, to Janeway’s quiet relief, the government for the planetary system that owned this popular venue of commerce and entertainment were certainly welcoming enough towards their visitors from far away. Voyager’s reputation had, as Janeway had feared, preceded them but the very charming government official with whom Janeway would negotiate for most of their stay assured her that reputation would mean nothing at their port. As long as Voyager and her crew would abide by the laws and rules of the space-port they were all more than welcome to do business and enjoy what was offered by the many cultures represented there.

The friendly pink-skinned alien - whom Janeway to her embarrassment would find out near the end of Voyager’s stay was not in fact a male as Janeway assumed, but female – did give Janeway an unofficial warning that although the space-port was fairly well managed it did still suffer from the usual criminal activity, and Voyager’s crew was advised not to go to the seedier areas alone or unarmed. Janeway was grateful for the warning for several reasons, the incident with the supposedly crimeless planet of telepaths strong in memory.

The planetary system was ruled by two joint species, one culture centred around commerce and knowledge while the other was centred on pleasure, and the space-station was an unusually successful joint venture where both species were equally active. The space phenomenon that Seven and B’Elanna had encountered was frequently observed in certain areas along the edges of their space, and had been the reason neither race expanded their territory beyond their small but very wealthy system at one time. Now the phenomenon had been observed enough to allow their ships to avoid it, but neither race had any desire to expand their territory so things remained the same as ever. Other races instead came to them with their commerce, and there were no reason to expand.

At first glance the two races were polar opposites, the tall, pale and angular-shaped species from the larger of original home planets were almost Vulcan in their behaviour, stoic and usually reserved, tended towards science and control, while the pink-skinned species that the official assigned to Voyager belonged to were as a rule more open and passionate, dedicating their lives to various types of pleasurable things. It was a large part of why their co-existence was a fruitful and unchallenged one, what one species lacked the other provided... although they had common grounds as well, the innate love for commerce being an obvious one. In short, the space-port was much more than merely that, it was every Ferengi merchant’s sacred dream... and a welcome respite on Voyager’s long journey.

For the senior officers onboard, the first few days of Voyager’s stay was extremely busy, even more so than for junior officers and crewmen as they at least could take time off after their scheduled shifts. Not so for the senior staff, and for workaholics like Janeway, Seven and B’Elanna, there was only barely time to eat and get the odd hour of sleep.

This all changed after a few days, as the official trade was more or less completed and it was decided that most of the work with the newly acquired stock would be mostly postponed until after Voyager left the space-port in order to assure that everyone had ample opportunity for some shore-leave. As Janeway herself put it, it would be a shame to waste this opportunity to ‘stretch their legs’.

Voyager’s reputation was something of a problem, even in sections like this where most species had not yet encountered the Starfleet crew, Voyager tended to be disliked. For most part it posed little problem... crewmembers knew to follow their orders not to go to certain more questionable districts and to travel in groups whenever possible. The only major skirmish that had occurred was when Tom Paris decided that the off-limits area was exactly where he needed to go and not even Harry Kim could persuade him otherwise. The two somewhat inebriated Starfleet officers were saved from more severe repercussions than a black eye and some bruises by a group of pleasure girls that had taken shine to the newcomers, save for the minor scolding when Janeway found out about their little stroll.

A more difficult situation was the wide-spread animosity towards the Borg. As Seven had been working hard she had not been in contact with more than a handful of the indigenous people, and whatever warnings those had tried to pass on to the Starfleet personnel had been written off as the usual reaction people had to Seven. The warnings were ignored and never reported to anyone that would have informed Janeway about it... it was, after all, only Seven of Nine.

Janeway had, if at least somewhat subtly, managed to convince Seven that there _was_ in fact a use for shore-leave, especially if one was seeing a half-Klingon engineer that might appreciate a romantic dinner-date or a stroll along the more romantic vistas. Janeway then mused out loud that even the gruffest of professionals could often be romantics at heart, and that she worried that certain I-shall-mention-no-names-but-doesn’t-those-ridges-look-a-bit-tense-to-you people might be working themselves into exhaustion if they did not take some time off soon.

After this little speech of encouragement, Seven was of course a Borg with a mission... and B’Elanna found herself all but ordered to wait for Seven by the turbolift in 5.2 minutes to be whisked away to one of the fancier restaurant available to the Starfleet personnel.

Seven quickly polished her visible implants to gleaming and even remembered to dress for the occasion, a sleek sleeveless dove blue dress that Janeway had helped her replicate, although she had forgotten that B’Elanna needed to know beforehand that she was invited out on a date in order to let her dress up as well. B’Elanna thought privately that she would work on that before they had another dinner date, but she wasn’t particularly upset at the oversight. Oh no, B’Elanna was thrilled over Seven’s initiative and just grateful that her uniform was not covered in oil or plasma refuse.

Then there was of course the matter of Seven’s dress. B’Elanna would have been willing to forgive quite a lot for that alone.

“Is smoke coming out of my ears?” B’Elanna whispered to Seven as Seven led her by the hand after the waiter who showed them to their table. B’Elanna was feeling positively giddy... perhaps she hadn’t had enough sleep for a while? “Because you are beyond hot.”

Seven blinked in some confusion. “Hot? I assure you, I am nearly at my normal body temperature.” She tilted her head. “Why would smoke come out of...”

B’Elanna laughed softly and bumped Seven playfully. “It is just an expression, it’s not meant be taken literally. What I mean is that you look very...” She purred and eyed Seven with obvious delight. “...very, _very_ sexy in that dress.”

Seven’s answering shy-looking but brightly happy smile brought a lump to B’Elanna’s throat. She wished suddenly that they had been alone so she could have taken Seven in her arms, kissed her all over and told her lovely girl the many, many other ways in which Seven was simply beautiful.

Appreciation and affection were things that had been sorely lacking in Seven’s life for far too long, even if things had gotten a lot better recently. B’Elanna had noticed Janeway’s recent attempts at being both more open and more affectionate towards Seven, the older woman appeared to be getting better and better at stepping away from her role as Captain in regards to her ward, and B’Elanna approved wholeheartedly, even if the older woman had a wicked sense of humour that occasionally made B’Elanna’s face want to boil off.

It was more than a little ironic as it was not that long ago that any perceived favouritism towards Seven from Janeway would have had B’Elanna terribly upset, which in turn would have B’Elanna act even more territorial with Seven. There was that jealous child inside B’Elanna that desperately wanted her cherished parent’s love and attention for herself, but whether it was personal growth or simply due to her own feelings for Seven, that same part of B’Elanna had come to the understanding that more love for Seven did not mean less love for her. The knowledge that Seven was the favourite brought only the tiniest and swiftly fading sting of sadness... after all, Seven was _her_ favourite too, so B’Elanna was more than happy with the turn of events.

They were seated at a small table near a window, a small stone bowl with a glowing crystal arrangement casting a cosy light over them as Seven punched up the menu and made their order without glancing at what the tiny display actually said. B’Elanna smiled affectionately as she realised that Seven must have gone through the restaurant’s selection before reserving them a table, and probably had even gone over the choices with someone else – Neelix or Janeway most likely – before deciding what would be the best and most romantic choice.

That too was a change for B’Elanna. In the past, whenever a date had presumed to do something along the lines of making a decision for her, even if it was just what dinner to order, B’Elanna would have become angry. Tom learned quickly that if they were ever ‘out’ on dinner – a rare occurrence – B’Elanna made her own choices and he had better not suggest otherwise. It was different with Seven though... perhaps because B’Elanna knew without a doubt that Seven would have gone through a list of myriad considerations that B’Elanna herself would never have even thought of, in order to get something that B’Elanna would like – what could B’Elanna’s half-Klingon system handle, what would appeal to her taste, what would be considered a delicacy at that place and time... Seven would have gone over an immense list before making a decision. B’Elanna herself would just have chanced it with something and trusted her sturdy stomachs to be able to tolerate it if left to her own devices, and Tom or indeed anyone B’Elanna had dated in the past, would just have gone for something expensive to impress, regardless of what it turned out to be.

Yeah, maybe that was why... Seven’s thoughtfulness.

B’Elanna reached across the table to take Seven’s hand, lightly caressing the ridges of warm metal that adorned it. She smiled and looked deeply into those pale blue eyes.

Or maybe it was just a matter of love.

So absorbed by her musings and in gazing lovingly at Seven was B’Elanna that it wasn’t until the rough sound of metal chairs scraping harshly against the floor reached her ears that B’Elanna began noticing their surroundings. The soft and pleasant murmur of private conversations held quietly at various tables that mingled with the soft music further away by the dance floor that had met them as they arrived had now changed. The mood was different, and the whispered conversations no longer soft... the word ‘Borg’ was clear to B’Elanna’s sensitive ears.

Looking around she found that several of the alien groups and couples were staring at them, no, rather at Seven, with ill-hidden hostility or unease. One large group had abruptly gotten to their feet and were in the process of leaving in protest against Seven’s presence, making quite a bit of noise while doing so... it was them that B’Elanna had heard. Suddenly tense and holding on to rising anger B’Elanna looked around again. Just as many as those that were staring at Seven were the people that were looking uncomfortable and casting disapproving glances at the ones causing the noise. The people working at the restaurant all looked uncomfortable as well, and somewhat unhappy, but B’Elanna got the impression it was not directed at their presence there at least.

Their waiter, a rather effeminate pink young man, came back with their orders and many quiet but heartfelt apologies. B’Elanna waved him away with a grunt after receiving their meals, she was busy deciding whether she should go bust some heads – or at least break some bones – or not. If her Seven was upset B’Elanna would chase down those rude aliens and show them a thing or two about ‘volatile’ tempers.

But Seven did not react at all. She politely thanked the waiter and sampled her food, all the while giving rather sweet looks and smiles to B’Elanna... even going so far as to attempt her own version of small talk between bites.

Well, if Seven was able to be all mature and poised about it, B’Elanna decided she would at least try to be as well. Besides, doing that could only ruin their date and B’Elanna was determined, now more than ever, to make sure Seven had a good time. This was, after all, not only their first official date, but also Seven’s first real date ever.

She was distracted from her thoughts by a new arrival on the other side of the room. Excitedly she patted Seven’s hand. “Seven, isn’t that Harry and Celes over there?”

Seven obediently turned to stare in the direction B’Elanna suggested with a discreet wave. She spotted the pair immediately and nodded in satisfaction. “Yes it is. It would appear that Ensign Kim has finally asked Ensign Tal on a date.”

B’Elanna couldn’t help but to grin. “Heh, he’d be a fool not to, after you pretty much hit him in the head with how she was pining away for him. Still, way to go Starfleet... Celes is a cute kid, hope it works out.”

“I did no such thing!” Seven seemed slightly affronted at the suggestion. “I merely pointed out that the object of Ensign Tal’s affections was not I.” A brief pause, then Seven’s eyes narrowed. “Cute?” B’Elanna was amazed to see an adorable pout forming on Seven’s awe-inspiring lips.

‘She’s jealous!’ B’Elanna felt decidedly hot under her collar, and had a sudden urge to stand up and shout something very joyful though rather inappropriate and embarrassing in Klingon. She hastened to reassure. “Cute as in cute together with Harry, they would make a cute couple. As in an observation on behalf of a friend, with no personal feelings, desires, inclinations or designs involved at all.” B’Elanna was relieved to see the expression fade from the lovely features in front of her, and dared to joke. “Celes is still on my shit-list, remember?”

Seven relaxed and made a cute little snorting sound. Then she eyed the goofily grinning B’Elanna. “Must you speak of faeces? We are having dinner.” B’Elanna did a double take, then burst out laughing, causing people to stare at her instead of Seven.

“You sneak, you were having me on!”

Seven reached for her beverage with a tiny smirk. “Not yet. Later perhaps.”

With that B’Elanna ignored their surroundings, ignored the looks and muttered comments, and, besides a smile and nod in greeting, also ignored Harry and his date. Instead she concentrated on Seven and on making their first official date a memorable one.

After dinner and dessert – a tangy fluorescent gelatinous dish which, to Seven’s consternation, did a little song and dance number around the plate before it was supposed to be ingested – Seven asked B’Elanna if she wanted to dance. B’Elanna, convinced she possessed two left feet when it came to the art of dancing, was unwilling to say no merely because she would make a fool out of herself, and braved the dance floor with the same attitude others might the battlefield.

To her surprise, and Seven’s as well as she was not too secure in her dancing ability either, they moved well together. The music was made for slow, romantic dances and although perhaps no-one would stop and marvel at their ability, no hurting of any toes, other limbs or of pride was involved. There was just swaying softly to the music and enjoying the closeness of one another.

A sudden shrill shriek near the end of their second dance announced that Harry and Tal Celes had begun their dessert, and that the couple had the misfortune of ordering the same dessert as Seven and B’Elanna had, only Tal Celes was more vocal in her surprise.

B’Elanna smirked. “Oops... I’m sure I meant to warn Harry about the dessert.”

Seven smiled knowingly. “You did not, and you are enjoying Ensign Tal’s... surprise.”

“Who, me?” Grinning B’Elanna took the opportunity for a more daring twirl and dip as it was her turn to lead. She remembered to be careful of the other dancing couples and to mind her strength, having in the past thrown more than one dance-partner across the room in a miscalculation of her own strength. “Would I be that mean to poor Celes?”

Her wicked grin spoiled her innocent act and made Seven smile even wider. “Indeed. However I am sure she will adapt.” Apparently closing that subject Seven leaned in closer to lean her cheek against B’Elanna, causing the shorter woman to wish fervently for her stashed-away Klingon battle boots, feeling the sudden need for the several additional inches they brought in stature.

As they danced oblivious to their surroundings neither Seven nor B’Elanna noticed that their dancing had cause even more negative attention among the aliens in the restaurant. Several of those that had previously glared and commented were now arguing with the waiters and pointing animatedly in Seven and B’Elanna’s direction.

Seven and B’Elanna did not notice, but there were several other people from Voyager present at the restaurant besides them, Harry and Tal, and they noticed. A couple of off-duty security officers from the space-port were also present, and as the argument began turning physical they along with several of Voyager’s crewmen stood up to intervene.

“Ma’am, watch out!” The frightened cry from Tal Celes warned Seven just in time, as a phaser blast whizzed past Seven’s head and hit the wall with a tiny shower of sparks. The room went deadly quiet as even the music stopped abruptly, and someone switched the lights on to full intensity.

In the brightness it was plain to see the inebriated troublemakers, and most of all the large alien holding a tiny smoking phaser device in one outstretched meaty hand. The security officers were fast, and Voyager’s crewmen were not far behind as they all tried to reach the large alien but were intercepted instead by his equally displeased companions. Seven discreetly pushed B’Elanna a little farther to the side.

With a roar the alien threw away his ruined phaser and charged at Seven.

Seven watched his approach without as much as a flinch. B’Elanna however gasped and moved to step between Seven and her attacker... one slender hand stopped her short of her goal.

The alien was large but the length of his outstretched arms was disproportional to his body seen from a human perspective. Thusly although his reach was respectable, Seven’s reach was longer. His roar came to a sudden, abrupt end.

In a lightning-fast movement one metal-adorned hand whipped out and attached itself firmly to the alien’s face. Using but one outstretched arm Seven halted the alien’s charge as effectively as if he had just run into a wall, and her grip around his face could easily have crushed much of the same. Instead Seven used her palm and fingers to cover the alien’s mouth and nostril openings, quite calmly choking him as he struggled helplessly to escape her grip.

Seven looked uninterested if not a little bored as the alien flayed weakly for a few more moments before going limp in her grip. B’Elanna stared, amazed, at her girlfriend who had not even wrinkled her dress, as did everyone else in the room. The security officers shook off their trance and began to approach as Seven released the alien and let his body hit the floor with a dull sound.

B’Elanna stared in admiration at Seven, awed with the graceful and effortless, or so it appeared, display of power and skill. Seven had not delivered a single blow; she had not needed to. B’Elanna all but drooled.

“Kahless, I love you Seven!”

The declaration was as loud as it was impulsive and heartfelt, and it echoed in the silence of the restaurant. B’Elanna realized what she had said only when Seven turned to her with eyes gone impossibly wide with wonder.

“You love me?” The wide, beaming smile of utter happiness made Seven radiant enough to light up whatever room by her own power, and the look she bestowed upon B’Elanna was one of utter devotion. “I love you as well, B’Elanna.”

The floor dissolved underneath B’Elanna’s stunned feet then, and it was fortunate that Seven was standing close enough to catch her as she fell.

Security arrived to the scene and the troublemakers were taken care of, but neither Seven nor B’Elanna felt like remaining after that. Their waiter and the elderly gentleman in charge of the restaurant both apologized profusely to them all but begged Seven for a way to compensate them. At a loss at how to act, Seven and B’Elanna had both tried to politely decline, but that had only made the aliens more insistent. Finally Seven had noticed something in the back of the room that would appease the aliens. She told them that if they insisted upon compensating her they could do so by informing her of where she could acquire a sample of the plant, and that she would be grateful for such information.

The elderly man of course did something better. One clap of his hands to bring another waiter to his side, and within moments Seven and B’Elanna found themselves strolling down the street with a large potted bush, a small box containing a number of sweets made from the fruit of the plant, and a data padd containing various food, beverage and dessert recipes that all contained the fruit of the plant. The elderly man had beamed at them and informed them that the padd also contained the restaurant’s secret recipe for their famous singing dessert, and that he hoped it would lighten their spirits on their long journey home.

Seven and B’Elanna had thanked him with honest gratitude, then left the restaurant as quickly as dignity would allow, lest the generous man would decide to give them something else.

“Do you think that’s the one?” B’Elanna asked quietly, carefully minding not to jostle the box in her hand just in case it started singing or worse.

Seven cradled the enormous pot and studied the plant. “I believe so. I cannot be absolutely certain until we have access to a tricorder, but my ocular and olfactory inspection indicates that the probability is high.”

“You mean, it looks and smells about right?”

“... yes.”

“Hmm. That’d be great.” B’Elanna eyed the padd. “What are we supposed to do with this though?”

Seven smiled somewhat. “I am positive that Mr. Neelix would appreciate the addition to his repertoire, perhaps it will be of some use.”

B’Elanna looked sceptical. “I dunno... I don’t think we’re really ready for dancing leeola-root jelly, do you?”

“In that case we shall convince Mr. Neelix not to alter that recipe.”

B’Elanna chuckled. “If anyone could do that it’d be you, love.”

It made her almost bouncy with happiness to be able to say things like that to Seven now, and what was even better, Seven was so obviously happy when B’Elanna would use terms of endearment for her. If there hadn’t been that bush to consider B’Elanna would have kissed her girl for sure, and Seven would have let her. B’Elanna sighed happily. Life was good in the Delta Quadrant.

“What do you say, shall we head on home?”

Seven smirked. “Yes... I did promise after all.” She gave B’Elanna a heated glance that made the shorter woman’s heartbeat pick up. “Your quarters or mine?”

Suddenly not caring about appearances B’Elanna slapped her combadge. “Voyager, two to beam onboard...”

The incident caused quite a stir, both onboard Voyager where Seven was surprised to find that in the face of an outside hostility the solidarity of Voyager’s crew did indeed extend to her as well, and with the officials assigned to Voyager during their stay. The government apologized profusely and compensated by lowering prices on goods and offering even more bargains for Voyager’s crew, but they requested that ‘the Borg’ remained onboard the ship to prevent any other unpleasant events.

Janeway was angry, but realised that it was not up to the clearly unhappy and uncomfortable official, and that it also was a matter of priorities. Seven would have to remain onboard and Voyager remain where it was until all had been gathered, bartered and bought that they had intended, and the rest of the crew would still get their shore-leave as planned until that point, but after that Voyager’s stay would be cut short. B’Elanna on the other hand was livid, but calmed down some once it was apparent that Seven did not mind.

Seven, born and raised as she was on various starships, did not have the innate urge to abandon the confined space of a ship for the vastness of a planet, any planet, that overcame most space-travellers from time to time, Starfleet crews included. Her only concern was that B’Elanna would be robbed of any recreational activities because her lover would not go planet-side without her.

B’Elanna of course did not see it as any great sacrifice, and made sure they spent their free time as enjoyably – and, when she could manage it, as romantically – as possible. As long as she could spend her time with Seven, she had no complaints.

Soon Voyager said goodbye to the space-port and set course back towards the Alpha Quadrant, most of its inhabitants feeling rejuvenated by the stay and stores stocked to full capacity for once. Work was slowly returning to what passed as normal, and in fact even the work on the Delta Flyer Mark Two was well underway, making Janeway hopeful that they would have their super-shuttle functioning by a week or so at the most.

A day after Voyager had resumed course Captain Janeway found herself summoned to the Messhall at an odd hour by Neelix, Seven and B’Elanna. Feeling slightly apprehensive at the combination Janeway fervently hoped that they were not going to try out another alien dessert on her... the experience with the jelly had been quite enough and she had not been able to make herself eat it in the end, despite Neelix’ fervent explanation that it was all a kind of mirage created by reactions in the components of the dish. Yes, Janeway was quite aware that there were Terran dishes and desserts that required one to light the entire thing on fire before it was considered fit for eating, but still, she had to draw the line somewhere.

Her three friends were standing close together and all of them looking at her in a most peculiar and rather excited way when Janeway arrived at the Messhall. For a brief moment she wondered if it really was too late to turn around and feign some important work. But a Janeway never backs down or out, after all.

Seven met her with a steaming mug in her hands.

Suspicious Janeway accepted the mug and looked at it. Then she looked at the three people staring at her expectantly. “OK. What are you up to that you need to soften the blow with coffee?” She asked with worry even as she lifted the mug to her lips.

A long gulp, despite the brew being almost hot enough to scald her tongue. She looked at Seven, then at B’Elanna. “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

Janeway blinked and speared Neelix with an intense stare. “Are they pregnant? They are, aren’t they?!”

The Thalaxian shook his head comically before stopping to give Seven and B’Elanna his own speculative looks. B’Elanna rolled her eyes at the pair but said nothing. Seven raised a Borg eyebrow and replied. “B’Elanna is not expecting child, and I am physically unable to carry new life due to my implants.” A beat as Seven thought of something. “Would summoning you here and giving you a beverage be within acceptable protocols for announcing our reproduction, had such been the case?”

B’Elanna looked at Seven strangely.

Janeway downed half of the contents of the mug before answering. “Any way you felt like telling me something like that would be fine, you don’t have to worry about protocol if that would happen. I just hope you both would come to me to tell me the good news in person.” She studied the mug. “What’s in this coffee? Is this a new blend?”

A baleful glare at Neelix. “Who had this replicator blend, and WHY haven’t I gotten hold of it until now?” Unspoken was the threat that the person that had hidden such a treasure from her had a visit from Janeway to look forward to in the near future. Right before being put on plasma detail, most likely. She swirled what was left in the mug before emptying it.

B’Elanna shrugged a little. “Well, did you like it?”

Janeway looked forlornly into the now empty cup. “It is different... more aromatic and fragrant, a little sweeter than usual but with a slight tangy aftertaste. It tastes... very exclusive.” She grinned. “More?”

With big grins on their faces B’Elanna and Neelix stepped away from one another and the counter, revealing the large potted bush sitting there. Seven spoke up. “Regretfully we need the only other cup to enter the replicator pattern into the buffer, and it will take a while yet before the beans of this kada bush will be fit for harvesting. We would like your permission to add it and eventually some other specimen’s grown from its seeds to the airponics bay, Captain.”

Janeway stared at the plant. “Is this...?”

“The natives called it a kada, so we call it a kada bush. It seems to be the Delta Quadrant version of a coffee bean plant, as you could tell by the coffee Neelix made from some beans we got along with the plant itself.” B’Elanna smiled and decided not to tell Janeway of the box of sweets made from the same that, aside from a few pieces given to Neelix for his cataloguing duties, Seven had declared was B’Elanna’s alone and needed not be shared with their Collective. It seemed only fair since B’Elanna did not get to taste the coffee this time around, but would have to wait until later... still, Janeway might not see it like that, at least not where caffeine was involved. “We were going to get some from that planet, Seven and I, and we thought we lost the opportunity until Seven spotted this plant in that restaurant we went to.”

Janeway was genuinely touched. “You did all that for me?” Impulsively she hugged Seven and B’Elanna in turn. She gushed some more about the plant, then insisted on coming with Neelix to personally oversee planting the bush in airponics bay. The two of them were cheerfully chattering about the many uses of the beans as the exited the Messhall, and therefore did not notice that B’Elanna had stopped Seven from following them.

B’Elanna leaned in closer to Seven and entwined their fingers, a peculiar little smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “So were you planning on... reproducing?”

The question was gently teasing, but there was something serious hiding in dark eyes as B’Elanna watched Seven closely.

“I still do not believe I would make a good mother, and One can never be replaced... but my situation has changed and I would not be opposed to the possibility.” A tilted-head look at B’Elanna. “Are you averse to the idea?”

B’Elanna chuckled. “Kahless no. I mean, I don’t exactly see myself getting pregnant anytime soon, but eventually? Eventually I’d love to have a couple of kids.” She reached up to trace Seven’s jaw with her free hand. “I guess I hadn’t realized that you’d decided you were in this for the duration.”

She regretted not choosing her words a bit better when Seven’s eyes clouded over and her lovely features contracted into a frown. Seven drew back a little.

“ are not?”

The surfacing hurt in pale blue eyes stunned B’Elanna for a moment. “NO! I mean, yes! Of course I am, Seven...” She closed the tiny distance. “I love you, remember? It may not be all that obvious from the time we’ve known one another Seven, but I don’t give my heart easily...” She put Seven’s Borg-enhanced hand over her heart. “...and this heart is all yours, for as long as you want it and then some.”

Thankfully the expression faded, replaced by a slightly bashful look that charmed B’Elanna utterly.

“That is a considerable length of time.” Blue eyes looked deeply into brown. “One might even suggest a lifetime.”

“Yeah.” B’Elanna pulled her arms around Seven’s slender waist and vaguely hoped that she didn’t look to silly with the grin she felt straining her face to be wider. “A lifetime or two sounds about right.” She leaned in for a kiss.

“I need to do more research.” Seven stated just before their lips met, and B’Elanna drew back to give Seven an amused look.

“Research? Believe me honey, you’ve got _that_ part down to an art form, no need for any more research.”

“Not that.” Seven smirked. “There are several other areas where I have come to realize that my lessons in social protocols have been very lacking. I need to rectify the oversight at first opportunity.”

B’Elanna purred and hugged Seven close, deeply inhaling her scent. “Like what?”

“Like... matters regarding children...” Seven sounded distracted and her hands were wandering up and down B’Elanna’s back. “...marital protocols... living space unification protocols...” Seven’s voice trailed off as she leaned in for a hungry kiss.

After a few long moments of being gleefully devoured B’Elanna put both hands on Seven’s shoulders and pushed off slightly. She took a moment to regain her breath. “Marital? Unification?” She gasped a little. “Seven what are you saying... do you want to marry me?”

Seven beamed and nodded decisively. “Yes!”

B’Elanna on the other hand was reeling. “Buhbuh-but we’ve barely begun dating... are you sure?”

“Of course!” Seven was still beaming happily and hugged B’Elanna tighter... which helped as B’Elanna’s knees buckled somewhat. “Should I have replicated crockery?”

B’Elanna clung dazedly to the strong arms holding her up. “What? No, no, I wouldn’t want to do it the Klingon way... are you really sure?” Suddenly she realized that she needed to talk fast or else Seven might get the impression that B’Elanna didn’t want to marry her. And as sudden and new as the idea was to her, B’Elanna found it wasn’t an unpleasant one. Not at all, in fact the more she thought about it the more certain she was that it was in fact a very very pleasant one. She probably would have thought of it herself... eventually. “What I mean is, there’s no need to hurry. These things may not need to follow any ‘protocols’, but usually people might start dating, move in together, and then when they’ve lived together for a while decide if they want to get married. Sort of to get to know one another really well before taking that step.”

She smiled up at Seven. “I wouldn’t want you to have any regrets later in life when you’re saddled with a very possessive and jealous half-Klingon.”

“I find nothing regretful about that arrangement.” Seven stated earnestly. “And we already know one another.” She gazed at B’Elanna with such adoration in her eyes that the smaller woman felt a lump in her throat at the sight. “I have... watched you since I first came onboard Voyager. Although I knew well of your... dislike for me” Somehow Seven could not bear to say the word ‘hate’ although she believed it would have been more truthful. “ did not alter my emotions towards you.”

Seven broke eye-contact and glanced away. “Although I did not have a name for my emotions, nor understand their nature until recently.”

“Oh honey.” B’Elanna whispered. “How could I have been blind for so long? And can you forgive me for not realizing it sooner that you are the one that owns my heart?”

“Do you love me?” Seven’s question was soft and unassuming.

“I do! I do, oh Seven, I love you so much!” B’Elanna’s reply was all the more fervent and her voice raspy with emotion.

“Then there is nothing to forgive. I would have waited the rest of my life for you.”

B’Elanna hid her face in Seven’s chest for a long while before she regained her composure somewhat. She giggled a little when Seven buried her nose into B’Elanna’s hair, and hummed in approval when the tickling motion changed and Seven’s lips reached her neck. “So... Seven? Would you like to move in with me? We could start with that, see what happens after a while. If nothing else I would get a chance to propose to you properly.” The last was spoken under her breath, but Seven heard B’Elanna anyway.

“Yes. I would like that, B’Elanna. However...”

B’Elanna’s head snapped up with sudden concern.

“...I believe it would be more practical if you would move in with me.” A pause. “My quarters are bigger and I have my alcove installed there.”

Impulsively B’Elanna threw both arms around Seven’s neck and reached up to shower her face with enthusiastic kisses, somehow getting her breathed ‘yes’ in there as well. Soon their kissing turned more passionate, and, after an unknown length of time, Seven lifted B’Elanna up on Neelix’ counter.

The cold metal of the countertop had barely registered with B’Elanna before her uniform jacket and undergarments were stripped off and tossed somewhere, exposing her upper body to the slight chill of the large and empty room. Seven was after all nothing if not efficient. Hot lips trailed fire on sensitized skin while strong, deceptively slender hands caressed the muscles of B’Elanna’s back before skirting underneath the band of her uniform pants to caress what was available of her backside.

“Seven!” B’Elanna gasped and fought for some self-control. “We can’t do this here... someone will walk in...” She lifted herself slightly to help those amazing hands slide her pants down her hips. “...we’ll get caught!”

She was completely naked within moments, and pressed down against the chilled surface by a form that was just way overdressed for her taste. B’Elanna wasn’t about to complain about the cold though as that talented tongue did such wonderful things... in fact she didn’t even notice when she knocked one of Neelix’ bowls off the counter in an attempt to find something to hold on to. She whimpered in protest as Seven stopped and straightened up slightly.

“We will not ‘get caught’.” Blue eyes had gone dark with desire. “Computer, seal entry to the Messhall, authorization Seven Omega Omega Pi.”

“Entry sealed.” The female computer voice stated. Seven stared at B’Elanna hungrily and shrugged out of her uniform jacket before returning to her task with determination.

For some time no words were spoken, then a ripping sound was followed by an amused voice that said with mock reproach “B’Elanna, that was the third undershirt this week.”

“Seven...” B’Elanna gasped “shut up and come back here.”

Outside the locked doors of the Messhall, Neelix hummed to himself in a cheerful way. Well, he was finished with his work there for the night, he supposed, it wouldn’t hurt to go to his quarters instead and pick up a little light reading. As he turned to walk to the turbolift he made a mental note to casually get into a conversation with B’Elanna early the following morning that he would do a complete trace scan of the galley for hygienic reasons, and then find himself some work to do in another part of the ship for a while. If he did it early enough B’Elanna would be sure to sneak in and clean up whatever mess she and Seven had made well before he had to begin preparing food for the crew. No doubt his kitchen would be in just as pristine shape as he had left it when she was done, even more so if Seven was recruited to clean up as well.

Neelix chuckled to himself as he strolled down the corridor.

Because B’Elanna found herself frantically cleaning up the Messhall and eliminating any microscopic trace of her and Seven’s activities the previous night early the following morning before the start of her duty shift, she and Seven did not have the opportunity to speak to Janeway about their decision to move in with one another until well after the official end of their duty shifts that evening.

To her credit, Janeway did not question their decision nor comment on the speed by which they had come to the point where B’Elanna would officially move in with Seven. She did look startled when Seven informed her that it was a logical thing to do before pursuing marital status, to which B’Elanna blushed but also had to bite back a laugh at the older woman’s surprise. Janeway was all encouragement and friendliness, which actually reassured B’Elanna somewhat since Janeway’s approval of B’Elanna as Seven’s life-mate was very important to her, and Janeway gleefully signed off on the necessary orders for Chakotay to reassign B’Elanna’s old quarters to the next in line.

It didn’t occur to B’Elanna at the time that the next in the command chain after Seven and herself was Tom Paris. If it had B’Elanna probably would have asked Janeway to hold on to the reassigning order for a while, until she had the opportunity to speak to Tom personally. It would have been a small act of courtesy that might have been wasted on Tom Paris, but nonetheless B’Elanna would have made the effort.

As it were Tom Paris was the furthest thing from her mind as she and Seven spent their free time over the course of a couple of days moving B’Elanna’s things into Seven’s, now theirs, quarters. It would take them additional days before everything had been arranged to both their tastes, but already living together seemed a natural thing, given their recent past.

On the second day after Seven and B’Elanna’s talk with Janeway, Tom Paris walked up to the couple as they sat enjoying a peaceful lunch together in the Messhall. B’Elanna tensed up as soon as she saw him.

“Heey Seven, B’Elanna.” He spoke with a false cheer that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Lieutenant Paris.” Seven nodded in greeting. “Do you wish to join us for lunch?”

Seven’s offer was genuine, and in a way perhaps a testament to her inexperience with such things as the palpable tension between Tom and B’Elanna. B’Elanna loved her for it of course, but she was silently stunned to see an honest expression of affection cross the features of her ex as he watched her beautiful lover. Tom had been sincere when he said that Seven was a friend.

Perhaps... perhaps there had even been a time when the affection for Seven could have grown to be something more. Perhaps Seven could have been the woman Tom Paris loved. B’Elanna was floored with the thought... she had in all honesty always thought that Kes was the one that held that particular and very singular position in the hidden depths of one Thomas Eugene Paris. Which, when she thought about it rationally, really raised the question of what in Kahless’ name she had been doing dating him in the first place.

“Thanks Seven, but no... I’m meeting Harry for lunch, I just had a few things to say to you both.”

He looked at B’Elanna, the expression in his eye returning to its previously rather guarded state. “I was offered to be reassigned your quarters last night.” He left unspoken how Chakotay had appeared to take delight in asking him and making sure that Tom knew exactly why B’Elanna would no longer need her old living quarters. He also did not mention that Voyager’s second-in-command had seen fit to carelessly drop the information that Janeway had told him that Seven and B’Elanna planned to get married eventually. It would get back to them through the rumour mill in due time without his help, Tom figured.

“Oh!” B’Elanna’s eyes grew comically wide. “Shit! I had forgotten that you’d be the next on the list... I would have told you in person first, otherwise. Sorry Tom.”

He waved the apology away. “No problem. Look, I didn’t take Chakotay up on the offer, so it moved on to Harry. He’ll be moving into your old quarters, though I have no idea who’ll be filling his old one.”

“Starfleet will?” A part of B’Elanna was kind of amused rather pleased at that. They were good quarters, so it seemed perfect that they’d go to her good friend and semi-adopted little brother. Come to think of it, with all the extra soundproofing she had installed in her quarters for... personal reasons... it would be perfect for Harry to practice his clarinet without disturbing anyone. That was sure to please the young man who regretted not being able to play at will in his own quarters in fear of upsetting his neighbours.

“Yeah. Anyway, I thought I’d give you my congratulations... and...” He took a deep breath. “That I want you both to know you don’t need to tiptoe around me. I’ll be fine, I’ll get over it, plenty of other fish in the sea and all that.” The last said with an outrageous smirk and wink at Seven, but Seven and B’Elanna both saw through the bravado.

“Plenty of ‘fish’, perhaps... but only one B’Elanna.” Seven’s voice was surprisingly gentle, and the earnestness in her reply made B’Elanna want to reach over and kiss Seven for always making her feel special.

Tom’s smile was rueful. “Eh yeah. Gotcha. As long as the two of you are happy together, it’s fine and I’m fine. Just wanted you to know that.” A self-depreciating smile. “On very rare occasions I can do a passable imitation of being an adult, too.”

Seven put a hand on his arm. “You are capable of surprising acts of kindness. You were the first to show me this aspect of being human, and for that I am grateful. I will not forget that.”

Tom blinked a few times, clearly fighting with himself not to show that he had been moved by Seven’s statement. Then he straightened his posture a little and gave a lopsided smile that looked genuine, apparently deciding to take a little pride in what Seven had told him. He began to say something in reply, but changed his mind, nodding slightly and simply going for “I think Harry is waiting for me. Enjoy your meal, ladies”

With a small wave he had sauntered off, a slight bit of his old bounce back in his step as if at least a tiny bit of what had been weighing on him had been lifted.

B’Elanna smiled lovingly and reached over to take Seven’s hand. “You’re pretty amazing and capable of surprising acts of kindness yourself, you know.”

The answering bashful smile made B’Elanna forget all about Tom Paris and any potentially hurt feelings the helmsman might be nurturing. In the face of such a beautiful love all other things seemed... well, irrelevant. B’Elanna pulled the hand in hers to her lips and kissed in silent devotion.

Almost one year later, in the Torres’ family quarters lights were set to minimum, casting rooms into a dusk broken by the light of one brightly burning candle. B’Elanna was standing in front of the candle, in the same spot as she had hours earlier when she had spoken a simple prayer and lit the candle in remembrance. It was a year since the birth of One, and she and Seven had agreed to remember One’s brief life instead of her all to sudden death.

Her wife’s long, strong arms wrapped around B’Elanna from behind, fitting their bodies together perfectly with Seven’s head on B’Elanna’s shoulder and tender hands cradling B’Elanna’s stomach. B’Elanna knew she did not show yet to anyone but Seven, still Seven had already gotten the habit to hold her this way. It was a beautiful thing to be so loved... B’Elanna had no doubt that even when she would be near the end of the pregnancy, large and swollen in what she had jokingly referred to as the ‘B’Elanna the maturation chamber’ stage, those pale blue eyes would still gaze at her with that same boundless love.

They didn’t need to say it out loud for both women to know that they were thinking of the same thing. They were picturing the face of their first child, wondering how much resemblance to One there would be when this little girl child was born. And resolving silently that nothing may harm this child. This child, and any born after it, would know only love no matter in what Quadrant they would find themselves.

A gentle kiss shared and the two figures standing as one, illuminated by the light of a single candle... outside their window stars twinkled past as the solitary ship continued its long journey home.


Anonymous said...

oh? i didnt expect Tom to, what's the word? easy to let go of the past? hmm...guess that's a redeeming point for him, but who really care about him :P

sweet end :) as usual

Ryûchan said...

Thanks. *grins*
About Tom, well, that is one of my tendencies when writing STV, I kind of want to write Tom as not being a complete moron at least some of the times. I keep remembering how he in the show was the first one to give Seven a chance, and that he has several scenes where he is actually being a friend to her. ^~^ Despite that I actually detest the character, so I guess it is weird. :P