Saturday, July 28, 2007

DRONE pt 3

Star Trek Voyager fanfic. A remake of the episode "Drone", on the premises that B'Elanna was the first person to enter the science lab instead of Mulchaey and thus becoming the other parent of One.
(Seven/B'Elanna) Divided into four parts due to size.

Read DRONE pt 3

Disclaimer: See part one.

DRONE pt 3 of 4
by Carola “Ryûchan” Eriksson

Much as B’Elanna had hoped, after excessive and repeated instructions to Carey and Vorik it seemed as if Voyager’s Engine room might survive without her for a few days. She had convinced Seven that if they left as quickly as possible they might be able to make it back only a day or so into Voyager’s stay at the space-port, and even though Seven had disliked the idea of not allowing for more preparations and scans she had rather quickly agreed, seeing the logic in the proposal. She had then instructed Sam Wildman and Megan Delaney in a much similar way on what duties to perform in her absence, leaving both women somewhat awed with the sudden realisation that they had become Seven’s seconds in the newly formed department, then the Chief of Astrometrics had informed both Neelix and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok on the mission plans.

The Delta Flyer was then scheduled for takeoff at the end of the Alpha shift, which was the earliest Seven and B’Elanna’s preparations would be ready. Fortunately for Seven she had spent some time regenerating the day before and should be fully able to make do with regular sleep for the duration of the away-mission, so by the time their shift was over they were more or less packed and ready to go.

As they were tending to the last few details before taking off Janeway joined them in the shuttle bay, apparently to make some small talk and see them off. She had of course been briefed on the purpose of the trip some time earlier, but all involved had managed not to mention the plant Seven and Neelix had such hopes for, intending it to be a surprise later if all worked out.

As the Captain Janeway had to admit to herself that she should probably question sending the two irreplaceable officers off on such a low-priority errand at this time, or, in fact, any time, and suggest someone less vital to ship’s operation to carry out the assignment. The woman that viewed Seven and B’Elanna as very close friends and even family in all but blood, however, was not only supportive but also highly amused to hear that B’Elanna had volunteered to join Seven on the trip.

So the young lovers wanted some time alone, did they? Well, let it not be said that she wasn’t a romantic at heart, Janeway thought, and saw both women off with hugs and her well-wishes.

As Janeway made to leave Seven unexpectedly called her back. “Captain?”

Janeway turned and smiled benignly towards the tall blonde, half expecting an awkwardly uttered polite phrase like ‘take care’, which other people used all the time without thinking and Seven never did unless she really meant it. “Yes Seven?”

“I... would like to place a request regarding my quarters, although I will be unable to send it through proper channels until my return.”

Janeway was slightly surprised but nonetheless pleased, Seven asked for nothing and it was difficult to get her living arrangements squared away when the tenant in question said barely word one about how she wanted things arranged. So far they had left things more or less as they were from when the rooms were V.I.P assigned, save from the regeneration alcove and a few Borg modifications that B’Elanna had informed them of. “Certainly Seven, what is it?”

Seven straightened her already perfect posture and lifted her chin slightly. “I would like to request a larger than standard issue bed, as the Starfleet standard issue single bed will not adequately accommodate myself and B’Elanna for our nightly activities.”

Janeway blinked and barely managed to suppress the giggle that wanted to escape. B’Elanna’s eyes went wide as saucers and her face turned beet red. It took every ounce of self control that Janeway possessed to keep as calm and impassive as Seven appeared to be, while inside she was howling with laughter.

“Oh of course. I will see to it that you get a queen-sized bed installed as soon as possible.” Janeway was not about to tell Seven that the bed that was already located in the quarters was of a size with a Starfleet standard issue family bed, which was slightly smaller than the size Janeway had just offered, oh no. She was having way too much fun at B’Elanna’s expense at the moment, and if only she could get away with it the two of them would find a king-sized bed waiting for them in Seven’s quarters upon return. Janeway tried not to smirk. She felt positively evil today.

B’Elanna went from beet red to dark burgundy, and she seemed to have some trouble breathing.

Janeway decided to take it a bit further. “Any specific preference in terms of bedding? If you tell me now we can forgo proper channels, I’ll just put it on Chakotay’s to do list.” She tried not to look as if she was looking at B’Elanna at all.

Seven considered the question for a beat. “I have no preferences, standard issue will be fine.”

“Duly noted.” Janeway smiled and inwardly added a note to herself to replicate a nice set in muted blue silk. Another thought occurred to her and she added another note to make sure the bed ended up extra sturdy. You never knew, it might be cheaper in the long run.

She decided to take pity on B’Elanna before the half-Klingon passed out. “Unless there’s anything else, I’ll wish you both a safe trip.” She smiled at the replies – a polite thank you Captain from Seven and a weak gurgle from B’Elanna, and strode out of the Shuttle bay.

As the doors closed behind her the giggling began. By the time Janeway had crossed half of the corridor she was laughing so hard she had to lean against the wall for support. Oh she hadn’t had this much fun in ages!

“She is laughing at me.” Seven was clearly disturbed by the muffled sounds, she did not like being laughed at and the idea that Janeway would do so did seem particularly unsavoury.

“No...” B’Elanna sighed and rubbed her face vigorously, as if it would help the blush to recede faster. “She’s laughing at _me_.”

B’Elanna glanced up at Seven and knew with a wistful certainty that the often surprisingly innocent woman had no idea what she had implied with her unusual request. While she had no idea just what Seven had meant by ‘nightly activities’, she knew that it was most likely very innocent by comparison to what B’Elanna and Janeway had imagined. It was all the more reason for B’Elanna to rein certain... instincts in, not to overwhelm the inexperienced woman.

If Seven, after knowing her options B’Elanna vowed, chose B’Elanna to be her first – only! her heart demanded but B’Elanna tried to ignore it – she would be gentle and take her time, make sure Seven’s first experience was nothing like her own had been. No, she wouldn’t hurt Seven. She wouldn’t _let_ herself hurt her precious Seven, in any way.

“Trust me.” B’Elanna smiled and gestured Seven to get into the Delta Flyer before her.

“Always.” Seven replied simply, climbing in and missing the wide, delighted and decidedly goofy smile on B’Elanna’s lips. B’Elanna sighed again, this time a happy sigh, and followed Seven inside.

At fate would have it, Seven and B’Elanna would never set foot on their intended planet.

The beginning of their trip was uneventful, Seven and B’Elanna settled in and B’Elanna steered the shuttle towards the planet. They were rather exhilarated about spending a few days completely alone, and the small-talk they shared was mingled with long silent looks and happy smiles for no particular reason. B’Elanna felt a little as if she had become a teenager again, except her teenage years had never been particularly pleasant and this certainly was.

The problems began when the Delta Flyer unexpectedly encountered the probe that had been launched from Voyager. The device was supposed to be in orbit around the planet, not drifting in space, completely powered down, some distance from it. Seven and B’Elanna beamed the probe aboard for study, but they never got the chance.

Seven called out a warning as the readings on her console went off the scale. The nebula that had previously been located well away from this area had not only moved, it _was_ moving. And doing so very rapidly, pulling the Delta Flyer in towards itself.

B’Elanna hit the controls but the pull of the strange space phenomenon made it moot point, and they were overtaken. Borg-enhanced reflexes made for a speedy attempt at sending out a distress-signal, but it was to no avail. The edge of the nebula pulled the ship in and moved through it, causing arches of blue lightning to move through the interior of the ship, trailing thick white fog while the Delta Flyer shook and spun beyond the ability of the ships inertial dampeners to counteract.

Seven and B’Elanna were thrown out of their seats and against the walls until Seven found purchase for her Borg hand and grabbed B’Elanna with the other. The Flyer bucked and shook for several long moments more, then, as suddenly as it had started, it went absolutely still.

Gasping, both women got up and tried to assess their situation.

The cockpit was dark, only the smattering of small green Borg emergency lights kept the space from being pitch black, and there were still traces of mist in the air although they were fading. Everything, including Seven and B’Elanna, was covered in a cold, clear fluid that seemed a lot like water, and it ran in rivulets off walls and furniture to pool towards the front of the cabin. Even in the dark it was easy to see that none of the consoles still had power, the helm where B’Elanna had been sitting was nothing more than a blackened mass from an explosion during the chaos, but the two women nonetheless hurried over to bring whatever systems they could online.

It made no difference. The Delta Flyer was dead in space.

Soon the emergency life-support would fail as well B’Elanna thought, as the air was far colder than it should be and dropping rapidly. If they did not get at least a force-field up they would freeze to death within moments from the coldness of space. Abandoning the console B’Elanna tore open a hatch near the floor and grabbed the box inside it. She had installed it there for hull breach emergencies but it was as the only thing she had handy that she could think of.

Seven stopped her attempts to rewire her console and stared wide-eyed at the front of the ship. B’Elanna turned to look as well.

Reaching towards them were thin tendrils of ice, thickening and branching out against walls and consoles, spreading from the front of the ship where the water had already turned solid ice. B’Elanna spun to Seven, yanked at her arm and shouted “RUN!”, her breath turning into tiny crystals of ice almost as soon at it left her lips. The air she pulled down her lungs cut like knives from the cold, they had just run out of time.

They turned to run, but where was there left to go?

B’Elanna was just going to run, no destination in mind, when Seven grabbed her arm and yanked her, hard, after herself as she took off to the right. B’Elanna stumbled upon entering the small space that served as storage for equipment, a miniature medical bay as well as having the only food replicator onboard, while Seven spun around and sealed the door. The air was far less cold in there but frost was appearing on the door even as Seven closed it.

Cracking the box open B’Elanna didn’t bother getting to her feet. Instead she threw herself closer to the door and put the box down, pulling up a piece to aim at the door and desperately fiddling with the contents. Seven pushed her away, none too gently in the hurry, and extended her left arm towards the box.

To B’Elanna’s surprise twin tubules shot out of Seven’s wet sleeve and forced themselves into the metal object on the floor. Seven’s other hand moved to press a few buttons on the machine, but mostly her attention was on the alterations going on inside it, as evident by the rapid movement of her eyes. B’Elanna bit her lip and stared at the door. It was almost covered with a thin sheet of white. Then suddenly the machine emitted a brief sound and the greenish light of a Borg force-field covered the walls around them.

B’Elanna decided she could breathe again.

Seven detached herself from the construct and marched over to where a few phasers were stored for emergencies, taking them out and apart, clearly to use them as additional power-source for the force-field. B’Elanna shook herself and went over to the medical controls and used them to check what was still functioning.

The ship around them was largely dead, only the Borg components smattered here and there and concentrated around the room where Seven and B’Elanna now were somehow resistant to what had happened. Although damaged they still held power and some functions, among which was an auxiliary power grid for the miniature medical bay.

B’Elanna quickly re-routed all remaining power to life-support in the room, keeping temperature and oxygen levels acceptable and dimmed the light somewhat. She could not send out a distress call from there, and she would have to shut down the replicator, but at least the oxygen and heat would last for several days. Long enough for Voyager to come looking for them, she hoped.

If it came to that, this was where the space-suits were stored. She and Seven would put them on and try to get to the escape pods and launch them manually if they had not been saved by the time the Borg system lost power. B’Elanna tried not to think about the fact that the escape pods were likely just as unusable as the rest of the ship, she had faith in that Voyager would come for them before that. Janeway would come for them... she always did.

Even though environmental controls were working for the small room, B’Elanna was freezing. Looking down at herself she realised why – she and Seven both were soaked through with water, and the water had begun freezing before they got the force-field in place.

“Seven, we need to get out of these clothes _now_!” Without fully realizing it herself B’Elanna went to Seven’s side and, instead of removing her own clothing, reached up to pull Seven’s uniform jacket off.

Seven complied and allowed B’Elanna to help her out of her clothing before returning the favour, until they were both completely naked. Scanning the room quickly B’Elanna spotted the rounded metal case that held the rolled-up bedding she and Seven were meant to use for this trip. The Delta Flyer had no beds or bunks installed, so bedding-cases like these were loaded for all away-missions that would keep people away from Voyager overnight. Haphazardly hooking the wet clothing on whatever protruded from the walls around the room B’Elanna quickly cleared the floor and opened the case.

One of the thinner blankets was yanked out first and sacrificed, B’Elanna using it to briskly rub Seven dry, then accepting Seven’s aid in doing the same to herself. A stray thought occurred to her and prompted a brief, slightly strained, grin to grace her lips – B’Elanna really would have enjoyed the view of slightly flushed pale skin, perhaps even a bit too much, if she hadn’t been so cold that she had to struggle not to let her teeth clatter.

Casting another speculative look around the small space, B’Elanna hesitated somewhat before putting the used blanket on the floor. Seven immediately followed suit and began laying out the rest of the bedding on top of the blanket, laying the two sets of bedding out in one pile so that the wetness on the floor would soak through only the first layers, leaving the rest of the bed fairly dry.

Noticing the strange way B’Elanna was staring at the newly made bed, Seven cocked her head and considered. “I shall lay down first as my weight is greater than yours and would cause you discomfort.” Pleased that she had deduced the problem and solved it, Seven wasted no time to get under the covers.

B’Elanna did not move.

Seven frowned. “Come, B’Elanna... quickly!” She held up the covers to help the smaller woman climb in.

“I... I can’t!”

The frown deepened. “Why? We need to conserve our body heat and this is both an expedient solution as well as the only one available to us presently. I see no reason to resist.” With concern. “Your body temperature has dropped below acceptable parameters. I can tell by your colouring.”

A pause.

“Please B’Elanna.”

B’Elanna twitched. She knew Seven was right, she had no choice, and the cold had already made her body feel alarmingly numb. She cursed inwardly that her Klingon genes could not have given her a bit more resistance to cold rather than to make her more sensitive to it, because climbing into that bed with Seven was... it was... damn, there was no way out of this, was there?

B’Elanna sighed and very carefully kneeled on the edge of the bed, insinuating a leg and an arm under the covers to brace on the other side of Seven’s body. “The reason you’re asking me why is the reason why.” She grumbled, fixing her eyes with a stubborn determination at a spot next to Seven’s head.

Seven helped pull the blanket over B’Elanna’s back. “I do not understand.” She frowned with some more displeasure as B’Elanna hovered above her, allowing much air between their bodies which was not conductive to their goal of conserving heat. “We often share a bed.”

“It’s not the same thing, and I know you don’t understand why.” B’Elanna bit her lip but did not resist as Seven’s arms slid around her and gently pushed her down.

Even with her body still numbed from cold B’Elanna could not hold back the gasp as their bodies came in full contact. She was gratified to hear a startled gasp be torn from Seven’s lips as well, and while B’Elanna fought to stay very still, face hidden against Seven’s shoulder, Seven had no such concerns. Seven wriggled slightly and, most likely unconsciously, moved her hands on B’Elanna’s back, softly tracing and caressing muscles on a back tight with tension.

After long moments of absolute silence save for their breathing, Seven finally spoke up with a voice pitched slightly deeper than normal. “This is different. I see that now.”

A brief, strangled snort of laughter escaped B’Elanna’s lips at that. “Yeah.” She choked out. As the contact with Seven heated the blood in her faster than even the warmth from Seven could seep through chilled muscles, B’Elanna’s body went from somewhat numbed to hypersensitive and aware in a rather disorienting way. She clutched the blankets weakly as the ache for Seven became a physical, throbbing ache in almost all of her body much too fast for comfort.

Seven would not lay still. They lay in silence for a long time, the only sounds in the room being the discreet hum of the force-field generator and the sound of shallow, trembling, breathing. Seven’s hands moved on B’Elanna’s back, up and down, feather-light touches and more firm ones, until finally the fingers of her Borg-enhanced hand scraped a path along B’Elanna’s spine from the base of her skull to the round swell of her bottom.

B’Elanna moaned into Seven’s shoulder, bucking slightly by instinct only to go absolutely still as the hand in question hesitantly cupped her behind.

B’Elanna’s breathing turned even more ragged, and she was not the only one. “Seven... oh Seven...” She whispered, pressing her face into Seven’s neck.

“You are...” A husky whisper from Seven as fingers roamed slightly. “...leaking?”

A slight dip. A slow swirl.

B’Elanna’s answering moan was louder than before despite being muffled against Seven’s skin, the very sound of it causing Seven to whimper slightly with her own excitement. The world outside the makeshift bed might have been sheeted with ice, but underneath the blankets they had a furnace.

Hungry lips traced a path up Seven’s neck slowly, paying close attention to every little dip and curve and stopping to give extra care to the starburst on Seven’s cheek. Just as B’Elanna was about to devour Seven’s lips she drew back a little. “We... can’t do this. We shouldn’t.”

Unconsciously emitting a soft sound of protest that the expected kiss was denied, Seven blinked. “Why?” She sounded confused and slightly hurt.

Pale blue eyes had darkened with desire, the one feature that Seven’s Borg mask did not cover and that were always painfully honest for anyone that cared to look... and B’Elanna was staring into them at close range. She felt her resolve quickly dissolve in the face of the amazing beauty that was Seven’s desire.

“The... circumstances...” B’Elanna managed to gasp. “and... wanted it to be... special... your first.”

“It will be, with you.”

The words were simple but honest. Seven’s eyes were dark with desire and need, and after looking so deeply into them B’Elanna couldn’t remember why she was trying to resist. It was what they both wanted after all.

Lips met and yielded, B’Elanna exploring the velvet warmth of Seven’s mouth with passionate diligence, learning all and tasting all. Tongues met, traced, chased and retreated... lips were sucked and nibbled until they burned, then they kissed some more.

B’Elanna was burning a path along Seven’s jaw and neck when Seven gasped her name. “B’Elanna...” B’Elanna fastened her lips to a tiny indent at the base of the pale neck and tasted it. “B’Elanna... I want... I need...” B’Elanna pulled herself up enough to look at Seven.

“I need...” A frustrated whimper accompanied by a wriggle. “closer.”

Smiling B’Elanna slowly slid herself until her legs were entwined with Seven’s, straddling one of Seven’s and pushing one of her own up to press against Seven’s burning heat. “Like this?” Seven gave a soft cry of pleasure in reply, instinctively bucking against B’Elanna. B’Elanna shifted her weight and moved against Seven, staring deep into impossibly wide blue eyes. Those eyes and the ever-changing staccato of Seven’s ragged breathing and soft moans were driving B’Elanna insane, until she couldn’t take it any more.

The path down to Seven’s breasts was quickly traversed, and B’Elanna took one in her mouth, claiming it as hers. She sucked, licked, nibbled and flicked, and even drew in a sharp, chilling breath that made Seven cry out and draw one long leg up against B’Elanna’s body, pushing B’Elanna firmly in place against herself. A low, aroused growl rumbled through B’Elanna’s chest in response.

Finally B’Elanna shifted until there was just enough room between their bodies for one of B’Elanna’s hands, and then she reached down. Surprisingly nimble fingers found the wet heat of Seven and claimed it, caressing everything she could.

Up. Down. Along the edges... taking special care with that spot that made Seven shake and her soft cries turn loud and urgent, and caressing it until the body underneath her own were on the edge of orgasm, then trailing off, changing direction and touch.

Skilled hands found the opening and teased and caressed until Seven had thrown her legs so far apart they left the warmth of the blankets. Pressing gently against it with one slender finger B’Elanna waited until Seven’s body opened on its own accord, drawing her inside on its own.

The very tip of B’Elanna’s finger was drawn inside and B’Elanna carefully eased the length of her finger in. The slick wet heat inside was unlike anything B’Elanna had ever experienced

Keeping her finger still inside to allow Seven’s body to adjust to it, B’Elanna raked her eyes over the beautiful sight beneath her. Seven’s hair was loose and messy, spread out over the pillow like a halo, her eyes firmly shut and her mouth open in such a perfect expression of pleasure that B’Elanna briefly wished she could somehow snapshot that image to carry with her. Seven’s hands clutched feebly at B’Elanna’s back as B’Elanna began to move ever so slowly.

Drawing almost completely out before returning again, thrusts slow to begin with but increasing in speed to match the movements of Seven’s hips... B’Elanna bit her lips to the point where she drew blood, aroused beyond anything she’d ever experienced by the sounds that Seven was making. The growl rumbled in her chest and vibrated against Seven’s skin.

Hers. This was hers. Seven was hers. Hers!

Among smooth velvet a tiny bump was found, and to B’Elanna’s delight, caused Seven to buck so hard she nearly threw B’Elanna off. B’Elanna grasped a rounded hip with her free hand to make sure she wouldn’t lose her place, then returned to that spot with some determination.

Seven gaspingly invoked Omega, and B’Elanna’s name, before dissolving into cries, her body taut and arching. B’Elanna rode out the shockwaves and shudders until Seven’s body was completely still, then curled up against her.

Hers. B’Elanna felt her eyes begin to sting unexpectedly. She wanted Seven to be hers, huh? She sniffled slightly and blinked furiously, annoyed with the tears that escaped because she was happy and tears had no place in this. This was all so beautiful and perfect beyond belief, and B’Elanna felt strangely vulnerable.

Pressing her face into the side of Seven’s neck B’Elanna spoke with a voice thick with emotion. “I love you Seven. I am yours and I love you.”

There was no reply.

Horrified, B’Elanna’s head snapped up to stare at Seven. Seven did not speak or even move. Then B’Elanna heard it, barely audible above the soft sound of Seven’s breathing... a tiny, exhausted snore.

B’Elanna let her head drop back down on Seven’s shoulder, chuckling softly to herself. Seven hadn’t heard her, but it was alright. She would just say the words some other time, when Seven was awake to hear them.

Seven did not need long to rest, and once she was wide awake again she was very eager and more than willing to show B’Elanna exactly how good B’Elanna had made her feel. B’Elanna surrendered to Seven’s touch roaring in delight, as long Borg-enhanced fingers were clearly designed with the pleasure of half-Klingon hybrids in mind. And Seven was absolutely relentless.

As there was little else to do or to distract them in their tiny space, since checking the functioning systems and hooking the force-field generator to draw power from the Borg systems as well took little time, they loved often and inventively. B’Elanna quickly found that despite Seven’s initial reaction, she had found a good match for her own stamina in the tall former Borg, and Seven found that some of her pre-conceived notions needed revising. Physical pleasure was not, in fact, irrelevant after all... and with a certain half-Klingon it was suspiciously close to pure Omega.

The newfound physicality in their relationship did not come entirely without its drawbacks. B’Elanna found herself ravenous from all the activity and even Seven felt some hunger occasionally, yet all they had available was half a box of emergency rations... and no way to know how long it would take until Voyager would come looking for them.

Seven’s internal chronometer worked as well as ever, in fact Seven did not appear to have taken any damage to her internal systems during the strange phenomenon as Borg technology seemed to be able to withstand whatever it had been unlike Federation technology, and that chronometer told them when a day passed in their small room, and another night. Their uniforms dried slowly, but at the beginning of their second morning they were dry enough to wear.

It turned out to be fortunate, as a few hours into their second day the ship rocked violently once, then shook and shuddered for some time. As they had no access to any external sensors, Seven and B’Elanna had no idea what was shaking the small ship, and all they could do was to put on the last bits of clothing, double-check their force-field, and stand ready to get into the space-suits if the integrity of the ship was broken.

A final strong shudder and the shuttle went still. Seven and B’Elanna both strained to listen for any kind of sound outside their room.

And there was. They could hear a dull thud and the faint sounds of someone moving outside the door, then louder noises as some kind of manual override device was fastened to the door and, with a slight grinding noise, forced the doors apart.

Strong light on the other side of their shimmering green force-field had both women blinking briefly before their eyes re-focused to discover Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant Paris, Ensign Kim and a worried-looking Captain Janeway.

Unconsciously B’Elanna straightened immediately, running her hands over her hair and clothes to make sure it was all at least moderately in check. Seven of course did no such thing, despite the unusually dishevelled state of her blonde hair, but rather bent down to switch off the force-field.

B’Elanna was looking directly at Janeway when the force-field went down, and therefore there was no way she could miss the otherwise quickly covered reaction of the older woman once the air from within the room mingled with that of Voyager.

For a moment Janeway’s eyes went huge and she blinked rapidly. Then a tiny twitch of just the corners of her mouth before the Captain’s mask came back in place... the blue-grey eyes danced with amusement though, and B’Elanna felt her face heat up.

A quick glance at Tuvok showed that the Vulcan’s left eyebrow had attached itself to his hairline, although his face betrayed nothing. Tom Paris was less discreet, grinning widely and even emitting a low whistle, earning a glare of death from B’Elanna.

Harry Kim waved the air in front of him, making a face. “What IS that smell?! Phew!”

B’Elanna’s blush darkened to the point where the roar of blood in her ears drenched out almost all sound. “Zip it, Starfleet!” She managed to growl, pushing past them as best she could.

Captain Janeway, blushing slightly herself, cleared her throat and put an end to whatever teasing that would have ensued judging by the look on Tom’s face. “Right. Everybody out, and the two of you” directed at Seven and B’Elanna “report to Sickbay at once. After you’ve both been cleared we’ll have a briefing on what have happened, meanwhile we’ll put some distance between Voyager and this part of space... unless there’s some reason we shouldn’t?” Giving Seven and B’Elanna the opportunity to give her a sound reason why she should belay her orders.

“That is probably for the best, Captain.” Seven’s voice was calm and her demeanour completely unaffected by the circumstances as she stepped up next to Janeway to make her way out of the damaged Delta Flyer.

The suddenly halted path to the exit of the shuttle sobered all of them. The interior of the small craft was still coated with a thick cover of unyielding blue-tinted ice, the entire nose of the ship a solid chunk of the same. B’Elanna was standing just inside the shuttle staring at what remained of the door.

Janeway put a hand on B’Elanna’s back. “We had to cut through both the ice and the hull with phasers. We could read your lifesigns on sensors but we couldn’t get a signal from either of your combadges, and the Borg force-field made it far too risky to attempt an emergency beam-out.”

“The nebula destroyed nearly all the technology on the ship, including our combadges.” B’Elanna said a bit apologetically and allowed Janeway to gently push her out through the opening.

“Oh my god!” Tom gasped when he heard B’Elanna’s words and turned towards Seven as soon as she got out of the shuttle. “Are you allright?” He opened his medical tricorder to wave it over Seven even as he used his other hand to slap his combadge and tell the doctor to prepare a number of tests specific to Seven.

Seven raised a silver eyebrow. “I am... fine, Lieutenant. The Borg technology onboard was resistant to the nebula’s effects, and my systems are Borg.” A beat, then in a softer tone. “You need not worry, I am fine.”

Tom snapped the tricorder closed and nodded. “Sure, course you are... just get over to Sickbay before the doc has my hide for keeping you.” He flashed a smile but it was noticeably stiff. “I’ll join you in a while.”

Seven nodded and left the shuttlebay, but B’Elanna hung back and pierced Tom with a demanding look. The helmsman had turned pale when he turned to Seven and he still looked suspiciously serious for the usually flippant Tom Paris. He met B’Elanna’s gaze and, understanding the unspoken question, spoke so quietly that she only heard him because she was standing next to him.

“B’Elanna, if Seven’s Borg implants had been affected like the Flyer had... even though you’re a brilliant engineer and all that... there’s no way you could have saved her. I don’t think even the doctor could have saved her if her Borg technology failed.” He hesitated. “Lanna, the work that the doc has done on Seven is mostly surface stuff and a few non-vital systems. Without her remaining Borg systems... Seven would die immediately.”

B’Elanna’s hand shot out to grab Tom’s arm hard as her knees suddenly wanted to buckle. Her mouth moved but for long moments no sound came out. Then finally she closed her eyes, straightened herself, and let go of him.

“Thanks Tom.” She said quietly, looking at him with honest gratitude. “For telling the truth, and... for caring.”

He made a pained face. “Christ B’Elanna, she’s my friend.” A wry half-smile and a look that he hoped would take the sting out of his next words. “I’m the one that mostly tried to get along with her, to be her friend... not you.”

Out of words for a moment, since he was feeling rather conflicted himself, Tom patted B’Elanna lightly on the shoulder and dashed off to join Harry in examining the Delta Flyer. B’Elanna stood stock-still for a moment before nodding and walking out of the shuttle bay.

B’Elanna found Seven and Janeway waiting for her in the corridor as she left the shuttle bay, and Janeway accompanied the two younger women to Sickbay. When the doctor greeted them with a flurry of frantic activity directed at Seven even Janeway caught on that something serious might have befallen her tall ward, and so Janeway remained instead of returning to the Bridge as she had planned, hovering nervously alongside B’Elanna.

If Seven had been a little more prone to a variety of human facial expressions she would have rolled her eyes at the excessive tests, having already assured all present that her implants were working well within acceptable parameters, but not having that to fall back on she raised a silver brow and gave the doctor a pointed look. Eventually even the doctor got the hint, and proceeded with his next patient instead.

“Hmm. Neither of you is any the worse for wear, despite your little jaunt.” The doctor spoke up after a while, giving them all his trademark lopsided smirk. “Nothing a little food, a little drink, and some rest and regeneration will not cure.”

His smile faded somewhat and a tiny frown appeared. “You both have increased hormonal levels though, nothing dangerous but still a marked increase. I would like to run a few more tests to see what is cau...” He blinked and trailed off as Janeway was standing behind Seven and B’Elanna making rather comical ‘cutting’ motions with her hands, with an even stranger facial expression. He blinked again.

“On second thought...” He began slowly. “I think I’ve got all I need. You two can go on and clean up, but let me know if either of you feel any after-effects. Captain, if you would remain behind for a moment?”

He barely finished his sentence before both the younger women had hurried through the doors, eager for an escape. Captain Janeway, not having that option, did her best to not to sigh as Chief Medical Officer approached her with that particular gleam in his eyes only potentially juicy gossip inspired in him.

The briefing was fairly short for an unscheduled one onboard Voyager, given that unscheduled briefings usually dealt with emergencies that took some time to handle. This latest adventure left Voyager with a damaged Delta Flyer, but all involved felt it would be restorable without too much material loss. In the process it was decided that more Borg or hybrid technology would be incorporated in the vessel, to prevent any similar situation in the future, and Seven and Harry were given the task to swiftly come up with a plan for a functioning secondary system for the shuttle as a backup for situations where the one that now needed severe repair might fail. B’Elanna was put in charge of extracting all information possible from the salvaged probe and also from whatever was left of the Delta Flyer’s systems, besides her other duties. Voyager was headed for the space-port and the entire ship was preparing for all-around busy days during the stay.

If Voyager had proceeded ahead as scheduled Seven and B’Elanna would not have been rescued for perhaps as much as up to a week later, and Janeway told them that the reason they had come as quickly as they had was because of Tuvok. When a day had passed without contact with the Flyer Tuvok had explained to Janeway that something was amiss since Seven of Nine would not neglect her duty to report to Voyager on a regular basis. Janeway had agreed, and when no-one had been able to raise the two onboard the Delta Flyer on any kind of communications, Voyager had been turned around to go collect their people.

When all was said and done there was plenty of work to go around, so nothing could have been further from Janeway’s mind than her little ‘gift’ which she as things turned out had just enough time to get installed before the situation with the Delta Flyer was brought to her attention. As such when the bone-weary Captain stumbled to her bed after quite a bit more than a full day’s work, the last thing she expected was an incoming call on her combadge.

“Seven of Nine to Captain Janeway.”

Janeway froze with one knee on her bed, throwing a longing look at her inviting mountain of pillows. “Janeway here. What can I do for you Seven?”

“I wish to express my gratitude, Captain, for... your generous gift.”

Oh, the bed. Janeway grinned to herself and relaxed a little. Seven, and probably B’Elanna as well, had gone to Seven’s quarters for the night it seemed. “You are very welcome, Seven.” A silent smirk. “I hope it was all... satisfactory?”

There was a brief pause in Seven’s reply. “It is... most satisfactory. And... opulent.”

Janeway’s grin grew wider, and reassured that she was not going to need to get back into her uniform Janeway slipped her chilling feet into her own burgundy red silk bedding as she spoke. “Mmhmm. I thought it may come in handy.” She wriggled her toes to warm them up some. “Is that B’Elanna I hear?”

“Yes. We will ‘break in’ the bed presently. It is time to get naked and also bed-time for ex-Borg.” Seven sounded as serious as ever, making Janeway nearly swallow her tongue not to burst out laughing. It was all undone when less then a heartbeat later a shrill cry of protest – ‘SEVEN!’ – from B’Elanna was heard in the background. “B’Elanna wishes to express her gratitude also.”

Janeway snorted with laughter but managed to make at least a stab at a dignified reply. “She’s welcome too. Goodnight girls... have fun.” Janeway chuckled evilly. “Janeway out.”

As the comlink was severed Janeway burst into heartfelt laughter until finally the last snickers petered out and she was ready to snuggle down comfortably among her pillows. Sleep found her quickly, but in a room not far away sleep would have to wait and wait some more.


Anonymous said...

do i need to say more at this point? :)

Ryûchan said...


Unknown said...

You are an amazing author and I wish you would write more of ST Voyager fics